The Town of Cochrane established an Affordable Homes Task Force to find a way to address the rapidly increasing housing needs in the community. The Task Force conducted a Housing Needs Assessment, which found that affordable rental housing for low to moderate income households was the highest need in the rapidly growing town. From this, the Task Force developed the concept of the Homestead Building.
The Task Force evolved into the Cochrane Society for Housing Options, whose purpose was to build and manage the Homestead, CSHO’s first affordable Housing building. Funding for the building came through Municipal, Provincial and Federal Governments and community fundraising and donations.
The Homestead Building opened 21 units of affordable housing for low to moderate income individuals and families.
CSHO (Cochrane Society for Housing Options) opens Home Reno Heaven to sell donated, gently used, appliances, tools, and home renovation products. All proceeds are returned to CSHO for the affordable housing program.
CSHO establishes a Home Ownership program in partnership with the Town of Cochrane. This program provides eligible first-time home buyers with a combination loan/grant to use as a down payment. Repaid loans were reinvested back into the program.
Purchased 13 new-build condominiums in Sunset Ridge to add to the affordable housing portfolio.
The Town of Cochrane turns over ownership of a four-plex to CSHO, increasing the number of affordable units to 38